Minutes November 9, 2009
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town of Eau Galle Town Board
The Monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Chairman Lund at the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of meeting had been published as required by statue.
Town Board members present were Jim Lund, David North, Barry Serier and William Peavey.
Agenda was reviewed and approved on a motion by David North second by Barry Serier, motion carried.
Minutes of October 12, 2009 Board Meeting were read and approved as corrected on a motion by Barry Serier second by David North, motion carried.
Reviewed bills for month and they were approved on a motion by Barry Serier second by David North, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence. On next month agenda Voter Registration Agreement with St. Croix County.
Reviewed contract for Building Inspector with All Croix Inspection. Changes suggested were in the fee collection area to change the wording to “Fees collected by individual requesting inspection shall cover cost of inspection and be collected by Todd Dolan” also suggested was wherever All Croix Inspection is referenced Todd Dolan should be referenced. Motion by David North second b y Jim Lund to approve contract with All Croix Inspection with changes indicated and Chairman Lund be authorized to sign contract, motion carried.
Dave Sanders was present to address the Board about concerns he has about possible upcoming truck traffic on 60th from County B to 270th . Issues presented were:
- Smoke stack residue from King Plant to Bruce Achterhof farm
- 30,000 cu yards
- 1000 to 1100 semi loads
- Copy of DNR report given to Board
- 24 hour traffic counts are a concern
- Co. E 898
- Co. D 390
- 60 th 600
- Towns should meet and discuss shared roads
- Chairman Lund had contacted WTA, Town has very little authority
- DNR has control
- Agriculture is end use
- Mr. Sanders thanked the Board for listening
Open Forum;
- Greg Larson and Claire Stein were present from the Village of Baldwin Parks and Recreation Committee to discuss summer recreation costs and expenses. In 2009 Eau Galle had 23 participants which is 6% of total, Village charges $25.00 per Town participant and 15.00 per Village participant. Could use Town park fund account for capital items. Board could add funds at budget hearing.
John Murtha from Murtha Sanitation was present for an update and review concerns.
- Truck and carts ready to go January 1
- Concern raised about Waste Management undercutting his contract for residential dumpster garbage service. Concern was that as most of the three year contracts expire residents may not switch to Murtha as required in contract. Need to know number of residential garbage dumpster that are in use. Suggested Town send letter to all residents with residential dumpsters informing them that when their contract expires they need to switch to Murtha.
- Discussion on whether Farms are commercial or residential. Motion by Barry Serier that present Residential or Commercial dumpsters may stay with present service for life of their contract but when contract expires they need to switch to Murtha as Town contract requires, second by David North, motion carried.
Reviewed Land Division Ordinance, made minor corrections. Motion by Jim Lund to bring Land division Ordinance to Public Hearing on November 9 th at 6:30 at the Town Hall with Town Board recommendation of approval, second by Barry Serier, motion carried.
Reviewed 2010 budget and will hold Budget Hearing November 9 th at the Town Hall at 6:45
Road work for 2009:
- Reviewed expenses to date and projection of anticipated costs
- Culverts on 233 rd are completed County N to 55 th
- Wash outs on 50 th & 250 th fixed
- 233 rd patched
- Trees in various areas need trimming
Chairman’s report:
- October 28 th Working Lands Initiative meeting in Eau Claire – Barry Serier and Dennis Duckworth to attend
- Old B under construction by Viking School by Village of Woodville
- Copy of plan requested to be on file
- No dog catcher as of now
- County Highway Department will do PACER report
Next Meeting 11-09-2009 at 7:00 P.M.
Motion by David North second by Barry Serier to adjourn, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure