Minutes of 03-10-2014 Eau Galle Board Meeting
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town Board
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman Lund at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that notice of the meeting was posted as required by Statutes.
Town Board members present were David North, Dennis Duckworth, Jim Lund and William Peavey.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth, motion carried.
Minutes of the February 10-2014 Board Meeting were approved with correction of date on Murtha Sanitation contract on a motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North, motion carried
Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North to approve bills with additional election workers, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence.
Chairman Lund introduced Kathy Ellefson to review request to have Spring Valley ambulance Service serving part of Eau Galle. Points raised were;
- Closer to Spring Valley
- Shorter response times
- Spring Valley has intercept agreements
- $13.50 per resident
- Petition presented with 22 signatures from Section 35 & 36
Chairman Lund had asked United Fire on their opinion and they would like paramedic coverage at fire scenes. Will request presentation by both Baldwin EMS and Spring Valley EMS over next 2 months and keep on agenda.
Jim Lund reviewed steps on Town zoning in regards to the new County Farmland Preservation Ordinance. Town has 4 choices based on participation or not in Farmland Preservation. They are, County Zoning with Farmland Preservation, County Zoning without Farmland Preservation, Town zoning or no zoning. Will try to have informational meeting preceding annual meeting at 6 or 6:30, Bill Peavey will contact County Zoning to set up.
Chairman Lund reviewed a resolution of support of AB648 & SB509 dealing with road requirements for implements of husbandry. Notion by Dennis Duckworth second by Jim Lund to approve resolution to support AB648 & SB509 dealing with road requirements for implements of husbandry, motion carried 2 to 1 with David North voting no.
St. Croix County Highway Department did not have ready a resolution authorizing St. Croix County Highway Department to manage installation of utilities in Town ROW, on next month agenda.
Discussion was held on possible issues on compliance with Town Ordinance regarding new residential construction in regards to compliance with state UDC code. Building inspector Dolan has informed Chairman Lund of issues of closing out permits and his inability to issue occupancy permits for some resident. The Town presently has 3 Ordinance referencing the State UDC code. Does the Town need to combine these Ordinance into 1 new one? Attorney McCormick has indicated he was willing to draft such an Ordinance. Some items that the Board would like in a new Ordinance are;
- Enforce UDC on new 1& 2 Family dwellings
- Enforce UDC on new commercial building
- Fee structure where UDC is required
- Fee structure where UDC is not required
- Penalty clause
- Enforcement Clause
- Keep general provision clause
- Fee and penalty discussion on next month agenda
Road work 2014
- Snowplowing over budget
- Weight Limits will go on 10 days to 2 weeks
- Pot holes will be issue
- Could consider doing 55th in 2016 when bridge of 94 is out on 233rd.
- Flooding along roads especially where ditches are full of hard snow will be an issue. Motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth to authorize Chairman Lund to contact St. Croix County Highway Department to alleviate flooding issues, motion carried.
Chairman’s Report;
- Will need to update budget as no debt service payment is due
- Cleanup day 4-19 9 to 12
- County Recycling schedule is available
- 3 Planning Commission members due for appointment next month
- Trying to set Board of Review date
- Annual Meeting 04-15 at 7:00 PM
- Notice in paper
- Farmland Preservation meeting before
Open Forum
- No comments
Next meeting 04-14-2014 at 7:00 PM
Motion to adjourn by David North second by Jim Lund, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure