Minutes of March 10, 2003
Minutes not official until approved by Town of Eau Galle Board
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order at the Town Hall by Supervisor Larson at 7:00 P.M..
Town Board members present were John Murtha, Kevin Larson and William Peavey.
Motion by John Murtha second by Kevin Larson to approve minutes of 02-10-2003 Public Hearing and minutes of February 10th 2003 board meeting, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence.
Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to approve bills as presented, Clerk to verify Guard Rail charge and road sign charge, motion carried.
Discussed the abandonment of part of Pecan Lane. Supervisor Larson indicated he had viewed the proposed change and the reasons for the change. Motion by John Murtha second by Kevin Larson to abandon that part of Pecan Lane beyond .23 miles from the centerline of 270th and to designate Pecan Lane as a Class “E” road.
Motion carried.
Discussed 3 lot major subdivision for George Birkett, motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to conditionally approve Platt with the condition that the on site inspection on lot 5 passes, motion carried and the map was conditionally signed.
Reviewed 13 lot major subdivision request from Kurt Christensen with Troy Nemmers presenting for the Christensen’s. Dennis Duckworth responded for the Planning Commission indicated that they had reviewed the Platt and had a concern because one lot was less then the Town of Eau Galle Plan 2 acre minimum lot size. Also the Planning Commission felt that the driveway to lot 8 & 9 should be from the subdivision road not County BB. Dennis Duckworth also indicated the Platt does fit in the density as indicated in this District for the Town of Eau Galle Town Plan. Kevin Larson made a motion to approve preliminary Platt as presented, which indicates all lots 2 acres or larger, with the condition that the driveway for lot 8 & 9 connect to the subdivision road, second by John Murtha, motion carried, map conditionally signed.
Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to hold annual meeting April 19, 2003 at the Town hall at 1:00 P.M., motion carried.
Blackhawk Hockey association was present to request a donation from the Town of Eau Galle Park fund. This would be used for material and labor to line the interior walls of the rink. Discussion was held and the consensus was to discuss donations at the annual meeting.
Planning Commission will meet March 20 at 7:00 P.M..
No Chairman’s report
Open Forum;
- Discussed easement off of 20th E of B
- More junk at recycling center, Surveillance Camera about $250.00
- Jerry Britton inquired about the Town of Eau Galle Cemetery
- Duane Jourdeans was present to discuss crossing 55th with a culvert
- Discussed Town of Eau Galle reviewing Fence Law, add to annual meeting
- Try to set Spring Cleanup for 4-26
Next meeting April 14, 2003 at 7:00 P.M..
Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to adjourn, motion carried
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure