*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and an additional item (12a) had been added since the June agenda was published in the Baldwin Bulletin. The updated agenda was posted at the town hall, old town hall, and Murtha Sanitation as required.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.
The agenda was approved as posted on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the 05-10-2021 Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Minutes from the 05-10-2021 Adjourn Board of Review were approved with one correction on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the monthly bills with one additional check, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails. Clerk will update treasurers report next month to include monetary transfers that occurred in the park fund account to ensure the account was reactivated from dormant status.
Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed.
Discussion occurred regarding town website redesign and bid to make website 100% mobile responsive. Board requested more information. No action taken.
Town board discussed and reviewed Resolution No. 2021-02 titled “Adopting Public Participation Procedures for Amending the Comprehensive Town Plan for the Town of Eau Galle”. Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve Resolution No. 2021-02, motion carried.
Discussion occurred regarding the Comprehensive Town Plan. Clerk to obtain the final draft of the Town of Eau Galle Comprehensive Plan 2020 from the planning commission prior to next month’s board meeting.
Road Work:
Two sections of town roads have been damaged by private contractors in the last month.
- Dairyland Power caused damage to 30th Avenue with their equipment. They advised they will pay for the damage, estimated cost is $1500.00.
- A contractor putting in place drain tile for a resident on 20th Avenue damaged the road. The homeowner will receive an invoice for the cost to repair the road. No estimate available at this time.
The 10th Avenue road construction project has increased in cost again. St. Croix County advised they do not have enough base and will need an additional $20,000 of rock to build a base for the road. The estimated total amount needed to repair 10th Avenue is $210,000.00.
List of roadwork for 2022 needs to be submitted to St. Croix County by August 2021.
Discussion occurred regarding mowing the town ditches at 6 feet or 10 feet this year. A resident voiced concerns of mowing ditches at this time due to Monarch butterfly hatching season. Town ditches will be mowed this year at 6 feet. Town Board indicated ditches must be mowed in order to ensure the safety of the public traveling on town roads.
Discussion regarding borrowing of funds for 2021-2023 road projects occurred. Motion by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson to borrow $150,000.00 for 2 years with yearly payments to First Bank of Baldwin at 2.7% interest for road projects with action authorizing signatures at next month’s meeting. Motion carried.
Discussion continued regarding American Rescue Plan Act funds (ARPA). Clerk advised the board WI Department of Revenue Form SL-330 was timely submitted. Current guidance states 50% of ARPA funds is expected to be direct deposited on or around June 25, 2021 with the rest to follow approximately 12 months later. Wisconsin municipalities have until December 31, 2024, to obligate these funds, and December 31, 2026, to complete projects. Board prefers to set up a separate bank account to track ARPA funds. Clerk to contact the First Bank of Baldwin regarding different options for another account for ARPA funds. Motion by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson to name Chairman Jim Lund as the authorized representative for the Town for ARPA and authorize Clerk/Treasurer Nicole Olson to complete and submit any necessary paperwork related to ARPA, motion carried.
Items for discussion at next month’s meeting:
- For Action: Ordinance No 2021-01 regarding ordinance adopting an amendment to the Town of Eau Galle Comprehensive Plan.
- Continued discussion and possible action for Website redesign/mobile responsiveness
Chairman Report:
Chairman Lund turned the report over to Supervisor Amy Shafer who is the Town’s broadband representative for St. Croix County’s Broadband Study. Baldwin LightStream already provides broadband service for all residents in the town of Eau Galle. The St. Croix County study is focusing on expanding broadband availability to the north end of the county. Broadband is now viewed as a necessity instead of a luxury.
Open Forum:
A resident wanted to know if the Town Board knew anything about a possible digestive facility being built in the town. The board had not heard of nor been approached about a digestive facility in the town of Eau Galle.
Date of next meeting: Monday July 12, 2021 at 7:00 PM.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:59 PM by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer. Motion carried.
Nicole Olson
Approved: July 12, 2021