Minutes of the Aug. 14, 2023 Town of Eau Galle Board Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at
the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted no additional items were added since the July Agenda was posted at the Town Hall and on the official Town website.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Stephanie Supri, and Jim Lund.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the July 10, 2023 Town Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Mark, Nancy and Aaron Foster presented the 2 lot CSM in Section 23 for review by the town board. Motion by Amy Shafer to approve the 2 lot CSM in Section 23 second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Ken Werner presented his request of a variance of the Driveway Ordinance in Section 27. The board denied his request per the verbiage of the Town of Eau Galle Driveway Ordinance 2021-02.
Doug and Emma Loberg presented their request of multiple variances of the Driveway Ordinance 2021-02 in Section 21. Motion by Amy Shafer to approve the multiple variances of the driveway ordinance in Section 21 second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve the loan and authorization for signatures of the town board from Pillar Bank for $150,000 with a fixed interest rate of 6.2% and two yearly payments, motion carried.
Deputy Clerk Bill Peavey reviewed the preliminary budget for 2024.
Treasurer’s report, and bills were reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the bills as presented, motion carried.
Building and driveway permits were reviewed.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails.
Road Work:
- 60th and 20th Avenues 1st lift has been done. The 2nd lift of 60th Avenue will be done on August 17, 2023 and the 2nd lift of 20th Avenue will be done on August 21 and August 22, 2023.
- 47th Avenue will be finished by August 22, 2023.
- 59th Avenue gravel is done.
- Sealcoating is finished and a fog seal will be done this week.
- All gravel roads in the town are finished except 12th Avenue.
- The 12th Avenue hammerhead will be done as soon as the county can get to it.
- Chairman Lund stated he spoke with the county about applying a base stabilizer to 12th Avenue to prevent washing out since the county stated they had leftover for the year.
- Amy Shafer and Jim Lund attended the Highway Department meeting. Governor Evers $150 million to be spent on Ag roads within towns. The government will pay 90% towards these projects. These roads cannot be posted when finished. Chairman Lund proposed the town applies for the grant and use the funds for 30th Avenue and 230th Street.
- LRIP is due in October.
- Ditches are to have a second pass of mowing by the end of August.
- A decision for brush cutting should be made.
Chairman’s Report:
Open Book is scheduled for Wednesday, August 30, 2023 from 12-2pm at the Town Hall.
A County Survey was performed by the University of River Falls regarding the future growth of the towns in Wisconsin. The Town of Eau Galle is projected to grow 181 new homes by the year 2040. To see the survey results, please visit the county website.
Public Comment/Open Forum:
Date of Next Meeting:
The next regular monthly Board Meeting will be held on Monday, September 11, 2023 at 7:00PM.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:35 PM by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Stephanie Supri
Town Clerk/Treasurer