Minutes of August 11, 2009
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town of Eau Galle Town Board
The Monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Chairman Lund at the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of meeting had been published as required by statue.
Town Board members present were Barry Serier, Jim Lund, David North and William Peavey.
Minutes of July 17, 2009 Board Minutes were read and approved as corrected on a motion by Barry Serier second by David North, motion carried.
Reviewed bills for month and they were approved on a motion by David North, second by Barry Serier, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence.
Reviewed proposed assessor contract for 2010. Clerk read contract requirements as proposed in contract. Motion by Jim Lund second by David North to approve assessor contract with Benish Appraisal Service for 2010, motion carried, contract signed.
Reviewed proposals for garbage and recycling for 2010. Clerk indicated only two firms submitted proposals; they were PIG and Murtha Sanitation. Clerk read all proposals and distributed copies of proposals. Proposals were reviewed by residents and Board members. Prices for base cost is 01-01-2010, Justin Murtha clarified fuel surcharge item and indicated Murtha Sanitation would do own billing on a quarterly bases. Unpaid accounts would be billed to Town after 3 rd quarter for Town collection with taxes. Motion by Barry Serier to accept Murtha Sanitation option 1 with the following additional conditions;
- Unpaid accounts billed to Eau Galle in October
- Fuel surcharge bases on fuel costs only not on total costs
- 5 year contract
- 1 year early out is an option
Second by Jim Lund, motion carried.
Discussed subdivision ordinance. Dennis Duckworth gave update on Planning Commission work on the Ordinance. Planning Commission will meet soon; Clerk indicated he needed time to get notice in paper. Reviewed suggested wording addition from Dennis Duckworth and David North. On next month’s agenda.
Discussed possible Dog Ordinance. David North reported he had reviewed State and County Ordinances. Barry Serier reported he felt the County Ordinance was sufficient and the WTA Ordinance was to limiting. Jim Lund felt the County Ordinance was sufficient. Terri Stave indicated that she had taken legal action as necessary and was satisfied with results. Clerk to look up rules Town had adopted for dogs that were in possession of dog catcher.
Discussed position of Animal Control Officers. Josh Chelebeck has resigned and the possible replacement has decline so the position remains open. Jim Lund has kennel and supplies.
Road work for 2009:
- Reviewed expenses to date and projection of anticipated costs
- Sign inventory updated
- Large washout on 50th by Kamp Dakota
- Large washout on 250th by Don Anderson
Chairman’s report:
- Attended County Meeting on road names, all new roads will be numbered
- No tickets given for speeding on 50 th & 55 th
- Residents may have trouble ending dumpster contracts with Waste Management
- Newsletter may be option to notify residents
- Approval of Agenda will be an agenda item in future
- Barry Serier has completed NIMS 402
- Condition of Air Conditioner in office next agenda
Open Forum;
- May need to address dead end road conditions.
Next Meeting 09-14-2009 at 7:00 P.M.
Motion by Barry Serier second by David North to adjourn, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure