Notice is hereby given that the Annual Town Meeting of Electors of the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix County, County, Wisconsin will be held in the Town at the Eau Galle Town Hall at 285 County Road BB, Baldwin, WI on Tuesday, the 19th of April, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
- Call to order
- Verification of proper public notice
- Agenda presentation
- Approval of minutes from April 20, 2021 Annual Town Meeting
- 2021 Annual Report
- Designation of official newspaper
- Designation of official depository of funds
- Motion to allow Town Board to set tax levy
- Authorize town board to spend more than $5,000 per mile on roads
- Authorize salary of Town Board Chairman, Supervisors and Clerk/Treasurer for next election term
- Establish hourly wage of elected officer serving as town employee
- Open Discussion on any Town issues
- Chairman’s Report
- Old business
- Any new business that may properly come before the annual meeting
- Adjourn
Discussion and action may occur on any of the above agenda items.
Meeting notice posted this 13th day of April 2022, on the town’s website at and at: Eau Galle Town Hall, 285 County Road BB
Nicole Olson
Eau Galle Town Clerk/Treasurer