Minutes of the Sept. 13, 2021 Eau Galle Board Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted an additional item #9 Contract review from Kleven Properties Assessment had been added since the September Agenda was published in the Baldwin Bulletin.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.
The agenda was approved as posted on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the 08-09-2021 Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the bills as presented with the addition of two checks one to Baldwin Bulletin and one to Nicole Olson, motion carried.
Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails.
The Town Board discussed and reviewed Adopting the Ward Plan for the Town of Eau Galle Resolution No. 2021-04. Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve Resolution No. 2021-04. Chairman Lund took a roll call vote Jim Lund-Aye, Amy Shafer-Aye, Kevin Larson-Aye, motion carried.
The Town Board discussed and reviewed the contract from Kleven Property Assessment, LLC. Motion by Amy Shafer, Second by Kevin Larson to approve contract from Kleven properties for 2022 maintenance Assessment of Real and Personal Property, Motion carried.
The Town Board discussed obtaining an official .gov domain for the town of Eau Galle. Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve obtaining an official .gov domain, Motion carried.
The Town Board discussed and reviewed changes to the 12-10-2018 Driveway and Highway Access Ordinance. Motion By Amy Shafer, Second by Kevin Larson to adopt changes made to the 12-10-2018 Driveway and Highway Access Ordinance and update the name of the Ordinance to Town of Eau Galle St. Croix county, WI Driveway and Highway Access Ordinance 2021-02. Motion carried.
Road Work:
- Town needs to apply for the 2022 LRIP money.
- The culverts needed to complete 20th Avenue project are on backorder.
- Fogging and sealcoating of town roads for the year is complete.
- The ditches have started to be mowed.
- 10th avenue is paved, just shoulders are left to complete.
- 25th Avenue has branches hanging down that are hitting the school bus lights, it will need to be brushed. Some shoulders are in need of grading as well.
- Damage has been caused to the sealcoating of some town roads from drivers “peeling’ out of driveways and intersections.
- To be completed this year:
- ¼ of the town needs brushing. The town budgeted $25,000.00 this year. Due to other road projects being over budget, The county will be given a $20,000 budget for brushing the SW corner of the town.
- Cold patching will be completed before winter.
- 20th Avenue is still not fixed since a private contractor caused damage while installing drain tile. No ETA as of yet when this will be complete.
- Loss of revenue formula has been updated. Board will need to recalculate for the town.
- Supervisor Larson to get bids to install a new heating system in the town hall to allow for better air circulation.
- New entryway is still a possibility as well.
2022 Budget discussion:
- No action taken
Cemetery Improvements:
- Dane Rasmussen submitted a proposal to remove vegetative growth along the sides and within the cemetery. He outlined 3 methods that could be used.
- Chairman Lund advised Brett Ackley will come in with his one arm and chainsaw to remove brush and bramble. Recommends going all the way to the fence line. Brett is currently 10 weeks out but the cemetery project has been placed on his schedule. No cost estimate available at this time.
- Deputy Clerk/Treasurer to organize and scan all cemetery documents and also put information regarding plots, etc. on a spreadsheet to make searchable via town website.
- The Board of Review was held on September 1, 2021. No cases were heard.
- Fall Clean-up is scheduled for October 2, 2021 from 8AM-12PM at Murtha Sanitation.
- Ordinances regarding building permits and code will be reviewed and updated at the October meeting. Clerk to send copies of these ordinances to board members prior to the next meeting.
- Clerk to obtain 2020 census numbers to update the Town of Eau Galle Comprehensive Plan 2020.
Items for next meeting:
- None noted
Open Forum:
- No comments.
Date of Next Meeting:
- October 11, 2021 7:00 PM
- Motion to Adjourn at 8:18 PM by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 10/11/2021