Minutes of the Oct. 11, 2021 Town of Eau Galle Board meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted an additional item #8 Property Tax Collection Agreement between St. Croix County and the Town of Eau Galle had been added since the October Agenda was published in the Baldwin Bulletin.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.
The agenda was approved as posted on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the 09-13-2021 Board Meeting were approved with one correction on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the bills as presented with the addition of two checks one to Baldwin Bulletin and one to Nicole Olson, motion carried.
Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails.
The Property Tax Collection Agreement between St. Croix County and the Town of Eau Galle were discussed and reviewed. Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve St. Croix County and the Town of Eau Galle Property Tax Collection Agreement, motion carried.
The Bridge Petition for the Pettis County Aid Bridge was discussed and reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer, Second by Kevin Larson to approve the Pettis County Aid Bridge Petition for the culvert located at 20th Avenue .6 of a mile east of State Highway 63, motion carried.
The Town Board reviewed the Conditional Use Application and other documentation provided by St. Croix County regarding Murtha Sanitation’s request for approval for the construction of a new ~13,600 sf transfer building with associated paved areas and stormwater management features.
The Town Board gave members of the public an opportunity to comment as well. One resident voiced a concern that littering may become an issue with the doors wide open and it may look like the transfer station in River Falls. No other public comments were made.
Chairman James Lund then made a motion to approve of Murtha Sanitation’s conditional use application that was submitted to St.Croix County for a new transfer building located in Section 7 of the Town of Eau Galle. Supervisor Amy Shafer seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Discussion occurred regarding Ordinance 16-01 (nonresidential building permits) and Ordinance 16-02 (building code for residential and commercial). All Croix Inspections provided additional information for the town board to review. Board members need more time to research/review possible changes to these ordinances. Items will again be discussed at the November board meeting. No action taken.
Road Work:
- 2021 LRIP application due November 11, 2021. Clerk to submit online application.
- Brushing in the SW corner of the town will begin in approximately one month.
- The town ditches have been mowed.
- 10th Avenue project is now complete.
- The town may need some shouldering work done.
- The gravel roads will be graded and patching will be complete before winter.
- Possible future projects to keep in mind
- 15th Avenue may need upgrades if a home is built at the end of the road. A driveway permit has already been issued for this.
- 60th Avenue from County Rd B to 270th Street is shared with the town of Baldwin. This section of road is particularly rough and may need upgrades in 2023.
- 20th Avenue damage from a private contractor installing drain tile is now repaired. Invoice sent to property owner.
- Culverts needed for the 20th Avenue project are back in stock and have been replaced.
ARPA Update:
United Fire advised Chairman Lund they believe they are entitled to $8,000.00 of the Town of Eau Galle’s ARPA grant. Discussion occurred. Board would like to await further guidance from the U.S. Department of Treasury regarding this. No action taken.
Supervisor Larson to get bids to install a new heating system (furnace) in the town hall to allow for better air circulation. Board would like to complete this project by summer 2022.
2022 Budget discussion:
Budget discussed and updated several line items. No action taken
Cemetery Improvements:
Dane Rasmussen again requested that the stumps be treated to avoid new growth as the brush and bramble are removed from the cemetery.
The markers pinpointing gravesites are buried. A surveyor would be able to find markers for a fee. Another possibility would be to use a metal detector to find the markers.
Removing the fence surrounding the cemetery is also an option to help keep the brush down and make it easier to mow.
Chairman’s Report:
New zoning and ward maps were obtained from the county.
Public Comment/Open Forum:
Town Resident Tim Stave noted his father is having issues with his neighbors. Tim Stave requested in the future Chairman Lund not tell the neighbor who is complaining because it in turn caused more issues. Deputy Clerk Bill Peavey advised Chairman Lund he may be required to divulge that information when asked under open meeting laws. Chairman Lund requested the clerk to research and check with the WTA for guidance.
Another resident noted the property located at County Rd N and US 63 is starting to look like a contractor’s yard. Chairman Lund to call St. Croix County to discuss options, if any.
Another resident noted that the sawmill at the Freeman’s is burning a lot and wanted to see if they were calling in each burn as per town policy. Chairman Lund to check with St. Croix County dispatch.
Date of Next Meeting:
A Public Hearing regarding the 2022 Budget will be held on November 8, 2021 at 6:50 PM. The monthly Board Meeting will be held upon completion of the public budget hearing but not prior to 7:00 PM.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:46 PM by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 11/08/2021