Minutes of November 8, 2010
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town Board
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman Lund at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that notice of the meeting was published as required by Statue
Town Board members present were David North, Jim Lund and William Peavey.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by David North second by Jim Lund, motion carried.
Minutes of September 13, 2010 regular Board meeting was approved as corrected on a motion by David North second by Jim Lund, motion carried
Bills for the month were reviewed and approved with the addition of 5747 to Murtha Sanitation and 5 election workers fort the Nov. 2 election on a motion by David North second by Jim Lund, motion carried. Also noted was that a False Alarm Fire call for $200.00 was voided by the Finance Committee of United Fire and that $32,234 was for flooding repair.
Clerk reviewed correspondence. Tax collection agreement with County on next month’s agenda.
Matt Clemens was present to discuss issues of zoning for his property at 2265 55 th. St. Croix County has raised some concerns about his business of Midwest Truck Service. Mr. Clemens asked the Town Board for an informal recommendation for Commercial Zoning before he spends the fees necessary for a formal rezoning request. Chairman Lund and Supervisor North both stated they felt that a rezonement to Commercial for the site where he has his shop would be appropriate. No formal action was taken and some concern was voiced about possible future use of the site if the present use ends. Will be on the agenda if and when a formal rezonement application is received.
Reviewed 2 Lot CSM for Tom Joslin as presented. This is a redone map to meet County requirements of Exclusive Ag zoning. Motion by David North second by Jim Lund to approve 2 lot CSM for Tom Joslin, motion carried, map signed.
Reviewed 2010 road work:
- 270th to Marilyn Jacobson has been repaired
- Not flood aid eligible as water ran down the road not across
- Nelson Culvert to be fixed
- Quinn Johnson culvert replaced
- Will try to get everything repaired before freeze up
- Will grade gravel patches before freeze up
- Still plan on mowing ditches
- Town not eligible for FEMA money
- Wisconsin Disaster application sent in
- Need to move road construction signs out before snow season
- Some bridges have water sitting under
- County will inspect all bridges yet this fall.
Discussed Fire and EMS Ordinance as had been presented at the Public Hearing. Motion by David North second by Jim Lund to approve as presented at the public hearing, motion carried, ordinance signed.
Reviewed 2011 budget with clerk going over updated numbers since last meeting. Motion by David North second by Jim Lund to hold budget hearing November 8 at 6:30 P.M., motion carried.
Discussed Driveway Ordinance by reviewing the Star Paraire Ordinance. Went line by line for the first 4 pages with additions and deletions. Will update draft copy and have on next month’s agenda.
Chairman’s Report;
- Items covered already
Open Forum;
- Nothing
Next meeting 11-08-2010 at 7:00 P.M.
Motion to adjourn by David North second by Jim Lund motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure