Minutes of the March 14, 2022 Town of Eau Galle Board Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted no additional items were added since the March Agenda was published in the Baldwin Bulletin.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the 02-14-2022 Town Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Minutes of the 02-14-2022 6:50 PM Public Hearing regarding changes to Town of Eau Galle’s Land Division Ordinance were approved on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Chairman Lund reviewed a request from Arik Feidt for 2 lot CSM in Section 34. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve 2 lot CSM in Section 34 for Arik Feidt, motion carried. Map signed.
Chairman Lund reviewed a request from Delmar Ziebart for a 3 lot CSM in Section 26. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve a 3 lot CSM for Delmar Ziebart in Section 26, motion carried. Map signed.
Town board reviewed and discussed a driveway request from Jim Ajer in section 10. No action taken.
The Town Board discussed purchasing new office equipment. Motion by Kevin Larson, second by Amy Shafer to purchase a laptop docking station and computer monitor for $250.16 as well as purchase a new fireproof filing cabinet, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the bills as presented with two additional checks, motion carried.
Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails.
The Town Board reviewed the final draft of the Land Division Application and Checklist. Motion by Kevin Larson, second by Amy Shafer to approve the Land Division Application with a fee of $25.00 per application and Land Division Checklist, motion carried.
The Town Board reviewed and updated the Brookville Cemetery rules. Motion by Kevin Larson, second by Amy Shafer to approve the discussed changes and update the Brookville Cemetery rules, motion carried.
The Town Board discussed updates to the fee schedule. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve changes to the fee schedule including adding a $25.00 Land Division Application fee, motion carried.
Road Work:
The Deputy Clerk updated the board on BIL instructions and deadlines. If approved, 80% of the selected project would be funded through the grant, the town would be responsible for the remaining 20% of cost. All projects must be engineered. Chairman to contact an engineer to discuss.
Weight limits signs were posted on the road today. St. Croix County did not post County Rd BB however, town roads will be posted near BB intersections.
15th Avenue may not need to be improved this year. The building project at the end of the road has been postponed.
Board needs to decide soon if the ditches will be sprayed or mowed this year.
2023 possible road project is 60th Ave East of B in conjunction with the Town of Baldwin. This may be a good BIL project to consider.
The Deputy Clerk has been researching the Final rule on ARPA funding and advised board heating projects, purchase of a generator, and road maintenance could all qualify as projects under government service. An addition to the town hall may be covered however more research is needed. If the building addition estimate was over $25,000 it would need to be voted on by the electors and put out for bids. Lowest qualified bid must then be accepted.
Audit scheduled for March 25th.
Spring election will be held April 5th.
Clerk will be attending Board of Review training March 28th.
Three Planning Committee members will need to be appointed in April.
Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday April 19, 2022.
Public Comment/Open Forum:
Date of Next Meeting:
The next regular monthly Board Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on April 11, 2022.
Motion to Adjourn at 8:19 PM by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 4-11-22