Minutes of June 9, 2008
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town of Eau Galle Town Board
The monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Chairman Murtha at the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Murtha indicated that the notice of meeting had been published as required by law.
Town Board members present were John Murtha, James Lund, and William Peavey, and David North.
Minutes of May 12, 2008 regular meeting were read and approved on a motion by Jim Lund second by David North, motion carried.
Checks were reviewed and approved as presented on a motion by John Murtha second by David North, motion carried.
Correspondence was reviewed. Need to check if work permit required for Mark Chelbeck. Verify St. Croix county Dispatch has his number, check on previous motion on dogs.
Discussed 2008 road work. 1.73 miles of resurfacing with 2in base added, milling, 22 ft matt, 2 ¾ in thick, 2 ft shoulders on 250 th Co. N to 42 nd and 42 nd 250 th to Co. B. Motion by David North second by Jim Lund to authorize 2008 road work with a estimated cost of $180,000 and to reduce seal coating as necessary, motion carried.
Joel Kramer was present to discuss creating an ATV trail and or route in Eau Galle. A copy of the Cady Ordinance was presented along with a request that Eau Galle adopt an Ordinance. Signs would be erected by Club at residents expense. Residents need legal access as request is to open all Town Roads. Questions raised private liability. Dawn to dusk rule on sign? About $20.00 per sign. Need to check with WTA if can limit to Town residents only. Possible Ordinance adoption on next months agenda. Get copy of Cady Ordinance and E Mail to Board Members.
Discussed dog running at large issue. Get copy of County Ordinance , review previous action and have on next months agenda. Check with WTA if Town required to have animal control officer.
Chairman’s Report;
- Trees on 30 th ave & by Blair Gunderson
- Trees ½ mile North of County Line on 250 th
- Trees ½ mile East of 63 on County Line rd.
- Brush on 55 th & 250 th
- Mow out ditches
- Pot hole on 55 th cut out and repair
- 250 th bridge completed
- Start road work week of June 16 th
- John Rivard resigned as Building Inspector, will need to replace
- WTA Seminars coming up
- Paul Nelson attorney has contacted John Murtha and will not dispute his responsibility to pave 59 th to Towns Specifications.
- Parking lot fixed
- Matt Clemens request for special permit
- Discussion and possible action next month
Open Forum;
- Pot Hole on 55 th
- Tree on Walking Trail
- Fire Works Permit
- Tires on 30th
Next meeting 07-14-2008 at 7:00
Motion by Jim Lund second by David North to adjourn, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure