Minutes of 07-09-2012 Eau Galle Board
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town Board
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman Lund at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that notice of the meeting was posted as required by Statutes.
Town Board members present were David North, Dennis Duckworth, Jim Lund and William Peavey.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North, motion carried.
Minutes of the June 11, 2012 Board meeting were approved on a motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth motion carried
Minutes of the June 11, 2012 Public Hearing were approved on a motion by Dennis Duckworth second by Jim Lund, motion carried
Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North to approve bills as presented, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence. Assessor contract on next month agenda.
Reviewed proposed 3 lot CSM for Al Justen in section 2. Motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North to recommend the approval of the 3 lot CSM to St. Croix County zoning with the conditions that perk sites be identified on Lot 3 & 4 and driveway permits can be granted, motion carried, map signed.
Chairman Lund reviewed discussion he had with St. Croix County Parks about solving parking concerns at junction 42nd., 250th and Wildwood Trail. Dennis Duckworth presented issues of the vision triangle. Motion by Dennis Duckworth that the Town of Eau Galle cooperate with St. Croix County Parks on construction of parking space, and St. Croix County Parks assumes all costs and Liability, Chairman Lund asked three times for a second, no second motion failed for lack of a second. Motion by David North second by Jim Lund that Eau Galle share cost 50/50 of construction of parking space, that St. Croix County Parks assumes all costs for Maintenance, signing, liability and St. Croix County Parks have their risk manager review site for all liability issues including but not limited to traffic issues with parked cars and visibility issues, motion carried. Motion by Jim Lund second by David North to use Park Fund funds to pay Town costs associated with construction of parking space, motion carried.
Road work 2012;
- Mowing 1 pass at this time
- Options on controlling brush in ROW on next month’s agenda
- Culvert on 30th east of 230th has heaved and needs repair
- $2,500 for quick fix
- $6,500 for permanent repair
- Will proceed with permanent fix
- Concerns about driveway widening 30th West of 250th. Clerk to send copy of Driveway Ordinance to owner.
Discussed issues with Audit in regard to changes of employment. Motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth to continue with Curtis E. Force CPA doing audit, motion carried.
Reviewed issues of renting out Town agriculture land. Have on agenda next time with contract available for review and approval.
Chairman’s report;
- Amish may be moving into area, some concerns;
- Sewers
- Cemeteries
- Signatures
- Will be August Primary, motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth to authorize up to 5 election workers salaries’, motion carried.
Open Forum
- No response
Next meeting 08-13-2012 at 7:00 P.M.,
Motion to adjourn by David North second by Dennis Duckworth, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure
Download PDF version: Minutes of July 9 2012 Meeting