Minutes July 17, 2009
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town of Eau Galle Town Board
The Monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Chairman Lund at the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of meeting had been published as required by statue.
Town Board members present were Barry Serier, Jim Lund, David North and William Peavey.
Minutes of June 8, 2009 Board Minutes and June 8, 2009 Board of Review were read and approved as corrected on a motion by David North second by Barry Serier, motion carried.
Reviewed bills for month and they were approved on a motion by Barry Serier, second by David North, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence, Assessor contract on next month’s agenda.
Discussed concerns raised by two residents regarding garbage and recycling billing. Motion by Barry Serier second by Jim Lund to refund the recycling charge at 2289 30 th as they do not have a container, property owner Bruce Erickson, motion carried. Motion by Jim Lund second by David North not to reduce any charges for Pete Stene, motion carried.
Discussed subdivision ordinance and developers agreement from Village of Woodville. Barry Serier briefly reviewed new draft WTA subdivision ordinance. Can look at WTA Website and Town Law Forms. Jim Lund suggested Planning Commission should review Ordinance and return with suggested changes and requirement that all roads in new subdivisions be blacktopped. Motion by Jim Lund second by Barry Serier to postpone until next month, motion carried. Jim Lund will contact Planning Commission.
Reviewed propose request for proposals for garbage and recycling for 2010. Clerk to make changes and advertise in paper as soon as practical. Clerk to notify Waste Management that the Town will end present contract December 31. Residents with dumpsters may need to contact Waste Management to end their contracts. On next month’s agenda.
Road work for 2009:
- Seal coat as previously discussed
- No bid yet on culverts on 233rd
- Gravel roads still rough
- Will add screenings
- Try 12th first
- Mowing with triple gang mower now
- Spraying may not be an option
Reviewed Web site, no Ordinances on web site until reviewed.
Rita Goveranski from the Village of Spring Valley was present to request support for the “Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Trail” on the present Wildwood Trail. Comments on costs and dual use of trail by residents. Motion by Barry Serier second by David North not to support resolution as presently proposed, motion carried.
Chairman’s report:
- County passing Ordinance on Street Names to prevent confusion
- Cady Township working on comprehensive plan
- WTA meeting coming up
Open Forum;
- Terri Stave reviewed concerns about dog damages
- No penalty in State Statue
- Check on licensing
- County Ordinance is controlling Ordinance
- Town needs Dog Ordinance
- On next month’s agenda
- Does Town need Exotic Animal Ordinance?
- Need to police 55th , 233rd and 50th for speeding
- Need to police BB 50th to N
- Need to address per diem questions at annual meeting
Next Meeting 08-11-2009 at 7:00 P.M.
Motion by Barry Serier second by David North to adjourn, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure