Minutes of the July 11, 2022 Town of Eau Galle Board Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted no additional items were added since the July Agenda was posted at the Town Hall and on the official Town website.
The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Minutes of the 06-13-2022 Town Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.
Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Clerk to look into auto pay options for .gov domain monthly fee. Motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson to approve the bills as presented, motion carried.
Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed.
Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails.
The Town Board reviewed and discussed a land division application for a one lot certified survey map (CSM) for Verlyn Falde in section 22. Motion by Kevin Larson, second by Amy Shafer to approve the one lot CSM for Verlyn Falde in Section 22, motion carried.
The Town Board reviewed and discussed a land division application for a one lot CSM for Jeremy Ziebart in section 25. Applicant to check with the County Highway Department to ensure the county will issue a joint driveway permit needed to access the new parcel. No action taken.
The Town Board reviewed a request from the Clerk/Treasurer to purchase a new desk for the Deputy Clerk. Motion by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson to approve spending up to $500.00 for office furniture, motion carried.
The Town board discussed Clerk/Treasurer position for the next election term. No action taken.
Road Work:
The town ditches have been mowed.
20th Avenue has been milled and should be paved in 10-14 days.
250th Street has been sealcoated.
The road reshaping and adding of gravel to the town’s gravel roads is behind schedule and has not been started yet. There is currently no ETA on when the county will begin this project.
10th Avenue near Albrightsons’ appears to need shoulder work, Chairman Lund will follow-up.
Chairman’s Report:
Wisconsin Towns Association (WTA) meeting scheduled for July 28th at the Highway Department in Baldwin.
Clerk/Treasurer to begin preliminary budget for next year and have a draft available at next month’s meeting. Assessments for the Fire Department and Ambulance service will increase. Board will look at several options to cover increasing costs including possibly taking another loan.
BIL Update: WISDOT FFY2023-2026 BIL STP-Local Program Application was submitted on 5/31/2022. Application is still pending but expect to know the status in early August.
Partisan Primary is August 9, 2022.
Two sawmills located in the town need to apply for rezoning in order to be in compliance with the county zoning regulations. This issue is at the county level and the county is working with the corporate council to resolve it.
Public Comment/Open Forum:
Date of Next Meeting:
The next regular monthly Board Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on August 8, 2022.
Motion to Adjourn at 7:34 PM by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.
Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 08/08/2022