Minutes of January 13, 2003
Minutes not official until approved by Town of Eau Galle Board
The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order at the Town Hall by Supervisor Larson at 7:05 P.M..
Town Board members present were John Murtha, Kevin Larson and William Peavey.
Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to approve minutes of 12-09-2002 board meeting, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence.
Clerk to forward copy of County Parks Fund policy to the Blackhawk Hockey Association , Village of Baldwin and Town Board members.
Motion by John Murtha second by Kevin Larson to approve bills as presented, motion carried.
Discussed the abandonment of part of Pecan Lane. Supervisor Larson indicated he had viewed the proposed change and the reasons for the change. Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to proceed with abandonment of part of Pecan lane with a hearing to be held before the February meeting and action by the Board at the February meeting, motion carried.
Reviewed Town of Eau Galle land use draft plan, no changes from last month.
Rick Bechel was not present for any news on his truck damage claim.
Motion by John Murtha second by Kevin Larson to appoint the following election workers;
Republicans: Olive Terpestra, Mary Hensley, Connie North and Sue Tylee
Democrats: Donna Britton, Freda Erickson, Marvell Serier with Norma Bee as Alternate.
Motion carried.
Open Forum;
Road Construction possible for 2003 – 25th or 270th S of N US 63 possible routes, Eau Galle on committee
Next meeting February 10,2003 after public Hearing on Pecan Lane.
Motion by Kevin Larson second by John Murtha to adjourn, motion carried