MInutes: Aug. 8, 2022 Board Meeting

Minutes of the Aug. 8, 2022 Town of Eau Galle Board Meeting

*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Town Board*

The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.

Chairman Lund indicated that the notice of the meeting was posted as required by statutes and noted no additional items were added since the August Agenda was posted at the Town Hall and on the official Town website. 

The Town Board members present were Kevin Larson, Amy Shafer, Jim Lund, and Nicole Olson.

The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by Amy Shafer second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.

Minutes of the 07-11-2022 Town Board Meeting were approved on a motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer, motion carried.

The town Board reviewed proposed amendments to the 2022 budget.

Income lines

Line #DescriptionNew AmountPrevious Amount
332% Fire Dues$6,043$5,640
38APRA 2021 Disbursement$0$65,313
39ARPA 2022 Disbursement$0$65,313
46LOSA Income$0$25,000
60Cemetery Income$7,700$26,100

Expense lines

Line #DescriptionNew AmountPrevious Amount
79Web Site$3,565$2,500
86Towns association$1,380$1,000
93Election Costs$2,800$1,900
96Office Supplies$2,500$1,000
98Election Workers$5,772$4,360
113New Hall$0$130,126
1252% Fire dues Disbursement$6,043$5,640
127LOSA Expense$0$25,000
160Road Construction 2022$176,215$164,733
179Cemetery Expense$7,700$26,099

Motion by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson to amend the 2022 budget with the figures discussed, motion carried.

The Town board discussed and took public comments regarding the possible change of zoning for Freeman Miller in Section 22. Several neighbors commented about the Sawmill located at 216 250th Street Woodville, WI:

Stacey Wildner submitted 12 photos of her property taken in the winter showing sawdust covering her horse pastures, home, and treeline. She further commented that they take great pride in ownership and it is difficult to keep things looking nice when sawdust is covering everything, including their vehicles.  The sawdust also gets in her horse’s eyes and causes irritation. Pictures available at the town hall. 

Tina and Ken Laemmle submitted written comments with their main concern being the health and wellness of their family and community. She voiced concerns that the sawmill was not properly zoned and is not following OSHA regulations.  She further states that they have struggled with respiratory issues since the sawmill started running.  It is also very loud.  They request the sawmill on the Miller property be shut down. Full written comments available at the town hall. 

Justin Gullicksen commented that the dust and smoke from the sawmill is a problem.  The wood piles up and burns for days.  They do not have central air in their house so prefer to keep the windows open, this is impossible with the dust and smoke from the sawmill.

Claretta Munger commented that she does not want the property rezoned and wants the sawmill shutdown.

Freeman Miller commented about his sawmill located at 216 250th Street.  He stated that they originally started the sawmill as a way for his boys to earn income to buy their own farms. Then Schmitt Timber started using them and they got bigger. He does not want to be a burden on anyone and wished he’d known the sawdust blowing was such a problem.  They are hoping to build a building to contain the sawdust and are looking into purchasing a different type of saw that would not be so loud.  He further stated they try to burn when the wind is going the other direction away from their close neighbors.  He also mentioned they may be able to chip instead of burn but that chipping would also be loud. They were going to apply to rezone Ag-1 or Ag-2 but could change and rezone R-1.

Supervisor Amy Shafer commented if they were rezoned Ag-1 or Ag-2 they could run without any conditions.  They could also buy property already zoned Ag-1 or Ag-2 and move the sawmill.

Chairman Jim Lund commented if they requested a rezone to R-1 they could put conditions on the sawmill operation such as: limit the hours of operation, contain the sawdust, and get a quieter saw.

Supervisor Kevin Larson commented that there are huge environmental issues, particulates in the air, and numerous other health concerns related to the sawmill and doesn’t believe a sawmill should be allowed on that property under any conditions.

The board did not vote however, Chairman Lund and Supervisor Shafer would be open to rezone to R-1 with conditions but not a rezone to Ag-1 or Ag-2.  Supervisor Larson does not want the property rezoned to allow for a legal sawmill.

No action taken.   

Treasurer’s report and bills were reviewed. Motion by Kevin Larson second by Amy Shafer to approve the bills as presented with 5 additional checks for the election workers, motion carried.

Building and Driveway Permits issued were reviewed. A town resident noted an Amish schoolhouse was just constructed on 42nd Avenue. No building permit has been issued. Chairman Lund to follow-up.

Clerk reviewed correspondence and emails. 

The Town Board reviewed a land division application for a one lot CSM for Jeremy Ziebart in section 25. Due to no representative appearing at the board meeting for this CSM, no action was taken.

The Town Board review of the Murtha Sanitation contract moved to next month’s agenda. No action taken.

Town board reviewed and made changes to the 2023 preliminary budget. No action taken.

Road Work:

The town ditches have been mowed.

20th Avenue has been paved with the first lift.  Second to be done later this week.

The road reshaping and adding of gravel to the town’s gravel roads is behind schedule and has not been started yet due to the drought.  If we do not get more rain the county will have to haul in water to complete the project which will increase the cost.

47th Avenue will be paved later in the year.  This project will be held off as long as possible due to Murtha’s building project requiring heavy equipment using the road.

Mowing to begin on town roads soon.

SW ¼ of the town is due for brushing.  Brushing to begin on 250th then Boston Rd and see if there is any money leftover in the budget to continue.

Roads will be patched this fall. 

Chairman’s Report: 

The brush and weeds around the cemetery will be chopped up and removed this week. Mulch will be added as well as grass seed planted. 

Supervisor Shafer attended a TAC listening session that covered a myriad of topics including railroads, and possible solutions to emergency calls on I-94.

Open Book is scheduled for August 31st and Board of Review to be held September 7, 2022, both from 12:00 PM- 2:00 PM.

Public Comment/Open Forum:


Date of Next Meeting:

The next regular monthly Board Meeting will be held at 7:00 PM on September 12, 2022.

Items to be placed on the agenda: 

Murtha contract

Joint driveway for Dennis Duckworth property.


Motion to Adjourn at 8:26 PM by Amy Shafer, second by Kevin Larson, motion carried.

Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Approved: 09/12/2022