Minutes of 04-14-2014 Eau Galle Board Meeting
Minutes are unofficial until approved by Town Board
The regular monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman Lund at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Chairman Lund indicated that notice of the meeting was posted as required by Statutes.
Town Board members present were David North, Dennis Duckworth, Jim Lund and William Peavey.
The agenda was approved as presented on a motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth, motion carried.
Minutes of the March 10-2014 Board Meeting were approved on a motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth, motion carried
Bills for the month were reviewed. Motion by Dennis Duckworth second by David North to approve bills as presented, motion carried.
Clerk reviewed correspondence.
Chairman Lund introduced Tod Jorgenson from Spring Valley Ambulance Service to give an update on Spring Valley Ambulance Service.
- $13.50 per resident served
- 165 to 170 runs per year
- BLS service
- LUCAS device
- Transport to hospital requested
- 18 EMT’s
- Have intercept agreements with Baldwin, River Falls and Menomonie
- Only 1 charge if intercept used
- 6 to 8 people available daytime
- Sample contract available
Resolution authorizing St. Croix County Highway Department to manage installation of Utilities in Town ROW was not ready, no action taken, next month agenda.
Jim Lund reviewed steps on Town zoning in regards to the new County Farmland Preservation Ordinance. Town has 4 choices based on participation or not in Farmland Preservation. They are, County Zoning with Farmland Preservation, County Zoning without Farmland Preservation, Town zoning or no zoning. Informational meeting tomorrow night April 15, 2014 at 6:00 PM with county presentation.
Chairman Lund reviewed the need to appoint/reappoint members to planning commission. Mark Tomlinson, Mike Ostlie and Lidia Albu terms are expiring. Mark Tomlinson’s work schedule has changed and indicated that he no longer wishes to serve. Motion by David North second by Dennis Duckworth to appoint Mike Ostlie and Lidia Albu to Planning Commission and to search for another member, motion carried.
The request for exemption on road weight limit ban was not needed as issue dealt with by hauling smaller loads and any further requests would be brought to board.
Chairman Lund presented the need to change budget to transfer $40,000 from debt service to road construction as no debt was needed in 2013. Motion Dennis Duckworth second by David North to change budget to transfer $40,000 from debt service to road construction as no debt was needed in 2013, motion carried.
Brent Knegendorf presented issues with snow removal after last snow storm. He indicated that 12th. Ave was not plowed at all which could be a major issue if emergency services were needed. Chairman Lund responded that most of the gravel roads were not plowed that storm as the roads were so soft trucks were having a difficult time. Chairman Lund will contact St. Croix County Highway department to see what could be done differently in the future.
Discussion was held on possible issues on compliance with Town Ordinance regarding new residential construction in regards to compliance with state UDC code. Building inspector Dolan has informed Chairman Lund of issues of closing out permits and his inability to issue occupancy permits for some resident. The Town presently has 3 Ordinance referencing the State UDC code. Discussion was held on Fees and Penalties and general comments were;
1) Commercial and Industrial zoned property building permits will be charged at 1% of value.
2) New Single Family residential construction or remodeling;
a) Permit with a value or cost of:
1) $5,000 to $250,000$250.00
2) $250,001 to $500,000$500.00
3) $500,001 and up$1000.00
b) The following items are exempt from building permit requirements;
3) Multifamily residential building
a) $500.00 per unit
4) All other structures (i.e. Agriculture buildings, non attached garages);
a) Permit with a value or cost of:
5) Penalty for violation of section 1) or 2) or 3) or 4) of section shall be;
1) Double the required fee for each violation
2) Each business day may be considered a separate violation
6) The issuer may be reimbursed $20.00 for each permit issued.
7) All construction shall deposit $500.00 to the Town of Eau Galle road escrow account which shall be returned when construction is completed and any and all damage to Town roads and Town right of way is repaired to Town Board satisfaction. Construction shall be deemed completed when Occupancy Permit is issued by Town Building Inspector.
Road work 2014
- 230th ATV route not signed yet
- Waiting for Tony Sabota to sign as contact person
- Patching potholes as soon as weather permits
- IOH meeting in Menomonie 04-28 1 to 3
- 6 culverts replaced last year to pave
- Possible 2014 projects
- 12th ave
- Sandpiper
- 250th 1/2 mile
- 55th
- Updated budget next month
Chairman’s Report;
- Board of Review
- Hampton Cemetery sign donation
- Audit
- Hall sign
- Clean Up day
- Annual Meeting
- Mowing hall and cemetery.
- Keep prestige if costs are the same
Open Forum
- Question on allowing a mobile home on property for hardship? Next month agenda.
Next meeting 05-12-2014 at 7:00 PM
Motion to adjourn by David North second by Dennis Duckworth, motion carried.
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure