Minutes of the April 11, 2022 Town of Eau Galle BIL Committee Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved by the Committee*
The BIL committee meeting was called to order by William Peavey at 6:34 PM at the town hall.
Committee members present were Tim Ramburg, Dane Rasmussen, and William Peavey.
Committee Member Tim Ramburg made a motion to appoint William Peavey as BIL Committee Chairman, Dane Rasmussen seconded the motion. William Peavey accepted the nomination. No other nominations/motions made, motion carried.
Committee members reviewed and rated the Statement of Qualifications received from Cedar Corporation for the road improvement project for 20th Avenue, a WisDOT BIL- funded FFY23 STP-Local Project. No other companies submitted SOTs.
Motion by Chairman William Peavey, second by Tim Ramburg to recommend Cedar Corporation as the qualified consulting firm to the board for the WisDOT BIL- funded FFY23 STP-Local Project, motion carried.
Chairman William Peavey Adjourned the BIL Committee meeting at 6:53 PM.
Nicole Olson
Town Clerk/Treasurer