Minutes: 2022 Annual Meeting

Minutes of the April 19, 2022 Town of Eau Galle Annual Meeting

*Minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Town meeting*

The annual meeting of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:00 PM at the town hall.

The minutes of the 2021 annual meeting were read and approved on a motion by Tim Stave, second by Dane Rasmussen, motion carried 7-0.

Deputy Clerk William Peavey reviewed the annual report and answered questions. Motion by Dane Rasmussen, second by Tim Stave to approve the annual report as presented, motion carried 7-0.

Discussion occurred regarding designating an official town newspaper. Town electors recommended the Town Board not designate an official newspaper. No action taken.

Discussion occurred regarding designating an official depository of funds. Town electors deferred to Town board and did not have an opinion regarding the official depository. No action taken.

Motion by Bill Peavey, second by Dane Rasmussen to allow the Town Board to set the tax levy, motion carried 7-0.

Discussion was held concerning election worker hourly wage. Town electors held an advisory only motion. Motion by Tim Stave second by Amy Shafer to set the Election Worker pay at $20.00 an hour. Motion Carried 7-0.

Discussion occurred regarding establishing an hourly wage of an elected official serving as a town employee. Motion by Tim Stave, Second by Bill Peavey to set the hourly rate for an elected official serving as a town employee at a rate of $20.00/hour. Motion Carried 7-0.

Discussion occurred regarding salary of town board and clerk/treasurer for the 2023 election term. Salaries last set at the Town meeting in April 2016. Current annual salaries:

  • Town Chairman: $4500
  • Supervisor: $2500
  • Clerk/Treasurer: $14,800

Motion by Dane Rasmussen second by Bill Peavey to increase the town board and clerk/treasurer annual salary by 10% beginning in the next election term (April 2023). Motion carried 7-0.

Open Discussion on Town Issues:

  • The question was raised what can a town resident do when they observe overweight vehicles traveling on town roads. Chairman to speak with the Sheriff’s Office regarding this issue.

Chairman’s Report:

  • New town plan was approved in 2021.
  • Town Ordinances updated since inception of new town plan
    • Driveway and Highway Access Ordinance 2021-02
    • Non-residential building permit Ordinance 2022-03
    • Building Code Ordinance for Residential and Commercial 2022-04
    • Land Division Ordinance 2022-01
    • Currently working on implements of husbandry (IOH) Ordinance
  • 2021 Road Construction completed
    • 1 mile of 10th Avenue east of County RD B was reconstructed.
    • 7 miles of road were seal-coated
    • Town Borrowed $150,000 for a two-year term loan to pay for road construction costs.
  • 2022 Planned Road Construction
    • 1 mile of 20th Avenue east of US HWY 63 will be reconstructed
    • 4 ¼ miles of gravel roads will be improved
  • Some of the funds obtained from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will be used towards maintaining town roads.
  • Cemetery improvements are scheduled for this year.
  • Inflation is a concern and Town board will be working on ways to best spend town funds during this time.
  • Spring Clean-up Day is scheduled for May 7, 2022 from 9 AM-12 PM at Murtha.
  • Next Annual Meeting will be the 3rd Tuesday in April 2023.

Old Business:

  • None

New Business:

  • None

Motion to Adjourn at 7:43 PM by Dane Rasmussen, second by Tim Stave, motion carried 7-0.

Nicole Olson