Minutes of the April 20, 2021 Town of Eau Galle Annual Meeting
*Minutes are unofficial until approved at the next Town meeting*
The annual meeting of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order by Town Board Chairman Lund at 7:06 PM at the town hall.
The minutes of the 2020 annual meeting were read and approved on a motion by Larry Larson, second by Tim Stave, motion carried 8-0.
Clerk Nicole Olson reviewed the annual report and answered questions. Motion by Tim Stave, second by Kevin Larson to approve the annual report as presented, motion carried 8-0.
Motion by Amy Shafer, second by Larry Larson to designate the Baldwin Bulletin as the official newspaper, motion carried 8-0.
Motion by Tim Stave, second by Amy Shafer to designate the First Bank of Baldwin as official depository of funds, motion carried 8-0.
Motion by Tim Stave, second by Bill Peavey to allow the Town Board to set the tax levy, motion carried 8-0.
Motion by Bill Peavey, second by Tim Stave to authorize the Town Board to spend more than $5,000.00 per mile on roads, motion carried 8-0.
Motion by Tim Stave, second by Larry Larson to authorize the Town Board to borrow up to $150,000.00 for 2 years to construct and maintain town roads, motion carried 8-0.
Discussion was held concerning the review of the draft town plan. Chairman Lund advised it closely follows the county but is more restrictive in some areas. He further advised that an electronic copy of the draft town plan can be found on the town’s website or a paper copy is available at the town hall. No action taken.
Open Discussion on Town Issues:
- Larry Larson advised vehicles are traveling fast on his road
Chairman’s Report:
- Noted that a lot of new home construction is occurring in the town.
- 2020 Road Construction completed
- 1 mile of 50th Avenue (between 250th and County RD B) was reconstructed.
- $30,000.00 in flood damage to our roads, $18,000.00 was refunded from the state of Wisconsin.
- 2021 Planned Road Construction
- 1 mile of 10th Avenue (between County Rd B and 250th) will be reconstructed for an estimated $195,000.00 (bid from the county).
- 6 miles of sealcoating is also planned to maintain newly reconstructed roads.
- Ditches will be mowed this year instead of sprayed.
- Finalizing the new town plan will lead to reviewing and updating all town ordinances as needed in order to enforce the plan.
- Ongoing issue within the town is garbage in the ditches. Looking for ways to resolve this issue.
- Spring Clean-up Day is scheduled for May 1, 2021 from 9 AM-12 PM at Murtha.
- Big thank you to Bill Peavey for all his work for the town over the last 40 plus years. It is greatly appreciated.
Old Business:
- Kevin Larson noted that spraying the ditches was killing too many trees/grass and leaving bare spots so town board decided to mow this year instead.
New Business:
- None
Motion to Adjourn at 7:28 PM by Tim Stave, second by Larry Larson, motion carried 8-0.
Nicole Olson
Approved: 04-19-2022