Minutes of April 19, 2003 Annual Meeting
Unofficial Minutes
The annual meeting of the Town of Eau Galle was called to order at the Town Hall by Chairman Murtha at 1:00 P.M..
Art Jensen County Board member gave an update on County happenings, he also indicated that this was his last term and if anyone wants to run for the County Board he would be happy to advise them. Art also indicated that he keeps the Brookville Cemetery records presently and would continue to keep them if the Town of Eau Galle Town Board wants him to. Chairman Murtha thanked Art for his service to the Town of Eau Galle and indicated he should continue to handle the cemetery records.
Minutes of the 04-13-2002 annual meeting were read and approved on a motion by Larry Larson second by Mike Veendall, motion carried.
Clerk/treasure William Peavey reviewed the annual report and answered questions. The annual report was approved as presented on a motion by Connie North second by Larry Larson, motion carried.
Discussed official newspaper, motion by Mike Veendall second by Tim Ramberg to continue to have the Baldwin Bulletin as official newspaper, motion carried.
Discussed official depository of funds, motion by Larry Larson second by Connie North to continue to use the First National Bank of Baldwin as official depository of funds, motion carried
Discussed granting the Town of Eau Galle Town Board the authority to set the tax levy, motion by Tim Ramberg second by Randy Roquette to grant the Town of Eau Galle Town Board the authority to set the tax levy, motion carried.
Chairman’s report;
- John Murtha new Chairman
- Thank you to Don Rodel for his years of service
- Plan to continue to keep roads up
- Remove rocks in some ditches in 2003
- 11 miles seal coated in 2002
- 10th ave to be blacktopped in 2003
- Road work for 2003 will be based partially on the PACER rating, 25th or 270th S of N
- Web site is up and running
- Building permit requirements will be added to Web site
Discussed Park Fund disbursement requests. Approximately $20,000.00 in account at this time. This comes from $250.00 per lot County fee, $200.00 to Town and $50.00 to County. Can be used for Facilities, Capital Improvements, not for maintains of existing parks. Chairman Murtha asked for guidelines for disbursing these funds as requested by organizations.
Motion by Bob Young second by Julie Pfendler to limit donation to Blackhawk Hockey to $1000.00 per year as presently authorized, motion carried, 16 yes, 0 no.
Discussed creating a Town of Eau Galle park at Town Hall site, Town of Eau Galle board to get some ideas and cost. Question was asked if the Park Fund money could be used to pave parking lot when park is created.
Discussed creating Fence Line Ordinance similar to Rush River for subdivisions. Board will look into updating the Rush River Ordinance to fit Eau Galle needs.
Old Business;
- Update on Building Permit requirements still in progress.
- Discussed Driveway Ordinance
- Discussed parking lot paving.
New Business;
- Answered questions on Culverts
- Answered questions on driveways
- Answered questions on State Statue on Dogs
- Answered questions on Seal coating in 2003
- Discussed wages of Election workers, motion by David North second by Randy Roquette to set the election workers salary at $100.00 per day, motion carried 15 yes, 0 no.
Next Town of Eau Galle Board meeting May 12, 2003
Motion by Mike Veendall second by Bob Young to adjourn, motion carried