Agenda: May 11, 2020 Board Meeting

Notice: Residents Town of Eau Galle

The Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle will hold the monthly meeting May 11, 2020 at the Town Hall at 7:00 PM.

Agenda may be changed up to 24hrs before meeting by posting.

Agenda will be (items not necessary presented in this order):

  1. Approve Agenda
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Treasure Report
  4. Correspondence and Emails
  5. Report of Building Permits issued
  6. Request from Jon dee Farms to place culvert under 222st North of County N
  7. Update from Planning Commission meeting.
  8. Discuss items from new County Zoning Ordinance for Planning Commission review.
  9. Town board approval of County approved zoning map.
  10. Town Board approval of resolution adopting St. Croix County Zoning.
  11. Review and possibly adopt Fire Protection Fee Ordinance.
  12. Road work.
    1. Discussion and possible action on scope and location of road work for 2020
  13. Chairman Report
  14. Open Forum
  15. Date of next meeting
  16. Adjourn

Discussion and action may occur on any of the above agenda items.

Dated April 29, 2020

William Peavey