Notice: Residents Town of Eau Galle
The Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle will hold the monthly meeting May 10, 2021 at the Town Hall. The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM.
Agenda may be changed up to 24 hours before meeting by posting.
Agenda will be (items not necessary presented in this order):
- Approve Agenda
- Approve Minutes
- Treasurer’s Report
- Discuss, review, and accept 2020 audit
- Discussion and action of purchasing schedule bond for two years of coverage.
- Correspondence and Emails
- Report of Building Permits issued
- American Rescue Plan Act funds will be available for the town of Eau Galle. Discussion on how to best spend the money.
- purchasing updated office equipment for the town hall
- Discussion and/or recommendations for 2020 update to Town Plan as forwarded from Planning Commission and set a date for the public hearing.
- Appoint two members to the planning commission.
- Request for a driveway variance section 16 for Bruce Erickson
- Road work.
- Discussion and possible action on scope and location of road work for 2021
- Chairman Report
- Open Forum
- Date of next meeting
- Adjourn
Discussion and action may occur on any of the above agenda items.
* NOTE: A copy of the Draft Town Plan is available here.
Dated May 4, 2021
Nicole Olson