Agenda: Aug. 8, 2022 Board Meeting

The Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, hereby provides its written notice and an agenda of the public meeting of the Town Board on August 8, 2022 at 7:00 PM, at the Eau Galle Town Hall, 285 County Road BB Baldwin, Wisconsin.


Agenda may be changed up to 24hrs before meeting by posting.

Agenda will be (items not necessary presented in this order):

  1. Call to order and roll call
  2. Verification of proper public notice
  3. Agenda presentation
  4. Consider for approval or other action:

  5. Minutes from July 11, 2022 town board meeting after any corrections have been rectified.
  6. Town Board amend the 2022 budget where necessary.
  7. Reports/Updates presented:
    1. Treasurer’s Report –
      1. Vouchers and payment of bills
    2. Building Report – New building permits
  8. Announcements and Review of correspondence received, if any.
  9. Town Board review of Land Division Application for a one lot CSM for Jeremy Ziebart in section 25.
  10. Town Board opinion for a possible change of zoning for Freeman Miller in Section 22, currently zoned R-2.
  11. Town Board review and possible approval of Murtha Sanitation contract
  12. Town Board review of preliminary 2023 budget
  13. Road Work
  14. Chairman’s Report
  15. Public comment/open forum
  16. Date of next meeting
  17. Adjourn

Discussion and action may occur on any of the above agenda items.

Meeting notice posted this 26th day of July 2022, on the town’s website at and at: Eau Galle Town Hall, 285 County Road BB.

Nicole Olson
Eau Galle Town Clerk/Treasurer