Agenda: April 13, 2015 Board Meeting

Notice: Residents Town of Eau Galle


The Town Board of the Town of Eau Galle will hold the monthly meeting Monday April 13, 2015 at the Town Hall at 7:00 PM

Agenda may be changed up to 24hrs before meeting by posting

Agenda will be (items not necessary presented in this order)

  1. Approve Agenda
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Treasure Report
  4. Correspondence
  5. Discussion on possible revision to Town Ordinances referencing and adopting Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code.
  6. Appoint/reappoint Planning Commission Members
  7. Set date of Board of Review
  8. Discussion/Authorization to replace Fence on 40 line South of Town Hall
  9. Road work 2015
    1. Discussion and possible action on scope and location of road work for 2015.
  10. Chairman Report
  11. Open Forum
  12. Date of next meeting
  13. Adjourn

Discussion and action may occur on any of the above agenda items.

Dated March 18, 2015
William Peavey Clerk/Treasure