Dog licenses
Dog Licenses are now due and payable. If you have a dog you must fill in enclosed form and return entire form with proof of Rabies Vaccination to Clerk/Treasure William Peavey, 2530 Co. N., Woodville, WI 54028.
Dog Licenses submitted without proof of rabies vaccination will be returned. State law requires all dogs be licensed. 2020 fees are $5.00 for neutered males and spayed females and $10.00 for males and females. Normal Office hours are Wednesday 2 to 4 PM.
Controlled burns
If you are going to start a controlled burn you are required to contact St. Croix County Dispatch at 715-684-2112. If you fail to call and the fire department is dispatched you will be billed full cost from fire department and by policy the fire will be extinguished.
Fire call fees have increased to $875.00 for the first hour and $875.00 for each additional hour; please check with your insurance carrier to make sure you have adequate coverage. If Fire Department vehicles are damaged or delayed by obstructions on your driveway you will be billed for all damage to vehicles and the fire department is not responsible for damage to your property because of a delay.
Contact Town Chairman to have Fire Department evaluate your driveway. Recommended driveway dimensions are on Website under Notice from United Fire.
Trash & recycling
Trash and recycling containers are to be placed at the end of your driveway not on shoulder of road. Trash and recycling containers should be placed out shortly before pickup and removed promptly after pickup to avoid damage from snowplowing and other hazards.
Cleanup days will be held in the Spring and fall, watch Baldwin Bulletin and Website for exact dates.
Snow removal
Plowing snow across the road and piling on shoulders is prohibited and you are may be liable for damages to vehicles and snowplows. Placing rocks, any structure or garbage in the Town right of way (normally 33 ft. from center of road) is strictly prohibited and you will be charged the cost of removal.
Building permits
Building permits may be required for any improvements. Contact the Town Building inspector Todd Dolan at 715-377-2152 to verify that a building project requires a Building Permit.
All structures are subject to setback requirements of the St. Croix County Zoning Ordinance, you must check with the County before building any temporary or permanent structure.
Zoning update
St. Croix County has updated and adopted new Zoning Ordinances. It is also the time to review and update the Town Plan. The town Board and Planning Commission will be seeking residents input and assistance. Please watch for upcoming announcements.
Meeting info & ordinances
All Town Notices and most Town Ordinances are available on the Town Web Site; please check the website with questions.
Town Board meetings are usually held at the Town Hall at 7:00 P.M. on the second Monday of the month. The Baldwin Bulletin is the official newspaper for the Town of Eau Galle. All notices are posted at the Town Hall, on the web site, at the Old Town Hall and Murtha Sanitation and published in the Baldwin Bulletin.
Examples are: Monthly Meeting Annual Meeting; Board of Review; Clean Up days.
Town contact info
- Website:
- Town Hall Office: 715-684-3015
- Town Hall Fax: 715-684-5210
- Chairman: Jim Lund 715-684-3936
- Clerk/Treasure: William Peavey 715-698-2361
- Supervisor Kevin Larson: 715-698-2258
- Supervisor Amy Shafer: 715-688-6044
Planning Commission contact info
- Mike Ostlie: 715-684-3951
- Heather McAbee:
- Dane Rasmussen: 715-684-2825
- David North: 715-684-3603
- Peter Heebink: 715-977-0187